Master Wang Gang

Train Daoist and Wudang Kung Fu at Weihai Kung Fu academy with Master Wang Gang

In 1996, He followed master Song Yixiang, one of the top ten famous martial masters and martial artist, who has awarded the title of “magic legs” and he was also the 20th gengeration of ziwu gate in China.


Later, Wang Shifu learned Daoism Kungfu from Master Luo Jufang who was heirs of the Lata style of Daoism. After that he has visited many famous Masters and Daoism academy.

In 2005, he has participated the compention which is hold by China and Europe. And he won the champion of the male adult group.

In 2008, he has participated shaolin Ziwu folk competition, and won the all-round champion. In 2009, he won the champion of the youth group in the Guangdong province traditional martial arts competition, and awarded two gold medals and two silver medals. In 2014, he was invited to Qilu martial arts invitational tournament and won the champion of youth group.

In 2015, he has participated in the first China Laiwu international martial arts competition, won the champion of the youth group, meanwhile, he has awarded “the ten best athletes”title of honor.

In 2016, he was invited to Qilu martial arts invitational tournament and won the champion of youth group again, meanwhile the congress awards him “the ten best athletes”title of honor.

In 2017, he participated Qilu martial arts competition and won the champion of youth group, the congress awarded him “the famous Qilu marital arts masters”title of honor.

In the same year, he took part in China Laiwu international traditional martial arts competition and won the champion of tiger-king cup, the congress awarded him “the martial arts outstanding contribution” title of honor

MastersHai Qu