Anna, 37, from Germany. Student Review

Female Kung Fu student practices Wingchun at Weihai Kung Fu academy

Anna, from Germany,
37 years old.


I make a quick decision at home... 3 weeks later i found my self on this beautyfull place and spent three wonderfull but also "painfull" weeks here (legs a realy tired). i had not much experience in kung fu nearly ziro..i started 2 month before i go to china but i realize that it benefits me a lot (more mentaly than physicaly) , so i want go deeper into it and what should i say? that was a great plan. i learned a lot and my body surprisingly made a good job and i also can feel a big physical development. even if i would say now that i would make a one week break after 2 month if i come back..becouse yeah my 37 year old body need a bit time to recover in between and charge new energy for training. it is kind of fascinating that i can do stuff now what i was not able to do on the begining of my stay here. The most enjoyabel for me was that my head realy become calm and free. an Invaluable worth. i need to think about nothing.

there is realy good food on the table and a day full of training.

I take the shaolin class by shifu wang and i enjoy the training a lot. even if shifu wong cant speak english it was quite understandibel what he want me to do. i missed a bit background information ore to ask quistions but in the end i realice that i also enjoy the learning by doing..maybe thats even more precious. just sometime i wished that he would correct me a bit more.

I m realy thankfull that he show me the big dipper tao kung fu form and i guess this form will be a good companion for me at home.

The admosphaere on the school with the other students was unforgettable good and we become a small family witch i realy will miss!!

I`m fixed on and would like to learn much more..i guess i need to come back!

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